Luray Art Trail
Transforming Page County into an Arts DestinationPostcard Maps Available at the Visitor Center
We are proud of the artistic works in Luray, Virginia. We hope you will take time to see them when you visit.
We are proud of the artistic works in Luray, Virginia. We hope you will take time to see them when you visit. These 3 trails can be done together or separately.
Luray VA Art Trail 
Part I: The Artist Loop
Approximately 1.25 miles/30-45 minutes
From the former Warehouse Art Gallery at 15 Campbell St., Luray
Walk about a block and turn left onto Amiss Ave. Tucked between the building and the house next door is “A View of the Valley from a Backyard Flower Garden” by Merle Hilscher.
Go back down the hill and cross at Luray Library, on Zerkel St. There you will see a sculpture, “Between the Pages” 2004, by Charlie Overman.
You will also see the original Massanutten School House that is depicted in another mural on Main St.
Proceed back down Zerkel St., turn left on Cave St. and you will see Luray-Page County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Center (LPCCC-VC) in the restored train depot. Local artists often display their work in the LPCCC-VC and there is also the Railroad Museum, with an HO gauge model train display, by the Page County RR Club.
Outside the VC, in the intersection, you will see the Confederate Monument by Herbert Barbee, built in 1918. There is another monument by Barbee at E. Main St. & Reservoir, by the East Luray Shopping Center.
Cross the street to the Post Office to view a WPA project. It is one of 28 public paintings done in Virginia between 1937 & 1941 to celebrate, in art, the best of American Culture. The painting is of Lewis Ramey’s Blacksmith Shop painted by Sheffield Kagy.
At the corner of Main and Broad Streets, the Performing Arts of Luray features large-scale sculptures by Charlie Overman, who fabricated many large-scale projects for some of the major NYC sculptors of the 1950s and 60s before relocating to Luray. There is also a colorful new sculpture installation by Don Lipscomb.
As you leave the Post Office turn left toward Main St. and left onto Main St. On your way to the Ruffner Plaza you will pass (or step into) the Blue Ridge Bank, where local artists display their artwork on a rotating basis. There is also a mural inside on their wall.
The Parks & Recreation Department hosts the summer series on the plaza called “Evenings on Main.” They are usually on a Friday evening. You can check the Town of Luray website for more information.
As you walk into the plaza, to your right you will see “Four Seasons in the Countryside” by Jennifer Brandt, and “Picnic Times at the Ruffner Plaza” by Merle Hilscher behind the stage used by performers.
Continue south along the Hawksbill Greenway. Note the geese sculpture to your left in the grass. Continue on the Greenway. You will now see the mural “The Old Lumbermill” done by late Paul Quigg.
Follow the greenway path to the Virginia Street/Hwy 340 overpass bridge. Under this bridge is “Natural History of Hawksbill Creek” by Weldon Bagwell and also view a train mural.
A little further down is the view of the train trestle photographed by O. Winston Link in his “Hawksbill Creek Swimming Hole, Luray, Virginia.” A print of this scene hangs in the Town Chambers on Main St. along with a “2006 Hawksbill Creek Swimming Hole version” by Neil Mayberry.
You can now retrace your steps to the fork before the bridge, go up the incline to Virginia St., turn left, pass the pocket park with a bench, and you will find your way back by the Visitor’s Center and the Warehouse Art Gallery.
Part II: The Edible Loop
Approximately .5 miles/30-45 minutes
From the former Warehouse Art Gallery, 15 Campbell St., Luray.
Turn right, turn right onto Campbell St. and walk down to “Tribute to a Champion Tree” by Chris Anderson in the E. Main St. parking lot.
A few steps farther and to the right is “Norfolk and Western Train Station 1940s” by Jennifer Brandt. This depot was restored and now houses the Luray-Page County Chamber of Commerce, the Visitor’s Center and the Page County RR Club’s HO gauge model railroad and museum.
Walk out toward Main St. and to the left is Main St. Treats. Inside is a wall mural of a tropical island by Barbara Jennings, Tina Kible rand students of S&N Music & Art.
Leaving Main St. Treats, proceed right on Main St. and as you pass the former Uncle Buck’s Restaurant look over your shoulder at “Singing Tower” by John Graves.
Cross the street before the RR tracks, walk up Tannery Rd. and you’ll spy another mural by Jennifer Brandt on the side of Turner’s Auto Body.
On the corner of E. Main St. and Tannery Rd. is Slye Pocket Park. Tucked inside this shady spot is “Virginia” by Weldon Bagwell. On this side of the street you will get another view of “Singing Tower” by John Graves.
The next stop is the Valley Cork Inside you will find “Town of Luray Landscape” by Jennifer Brandt.
Continue to the right on E. Main St., walking toward the traffic signal at Broad St. Turn right at this corner onto N. Broad St. and you will see the mural “Ford” by Jennifer Brandt. This was the Ford Motor Co. building and is now occupied by Aramark. Across the street is “Skyline Drive” by Steven Jesse.
Return to Main Street and cross to the Watch & Warrant Restaurant. “Blue Canoe on the Shenandoah” by Wes & Eileen Porter is located inside.
Next door is Arts & Artisans Fine Art Gallery, owned by Wes & Little Porter and operated by the Page Valley Arts Council. The shop also houses local potter, Cathie Miranda, Potterylady and about a dozen other local artists. The Shop is usually open weekends.
Now you can continue on to Part III which you can either walk by turning left onto E. Main St when you leave the Arts & Artisans Fine Art Gallery, cross Broad St., pass Ruffner Plaza and arrive at Main St. and Hawksbill St. Drive west on Main St, turn right onto Hawksbill St. and park in the public parking lot adjacent to N. Hawksbill St.
Part III: The Greenway Loop – This section is divided into A & B
Section A is approximately .75 miles/30-45 minutes.
Section B is an additional .5 miles/30 minutes.
Begin at Shenandoah Moon, 58 West Main St. at the corner of N. Hawksbill Street.
Section A
Shenandoah Moon has Decorative Shutters designed and painted by Nancy Brady and Susan Rocke and restored by Charlene Johnson
From Shenandoah Moon proceed west on W. Main St. (to the right). On the Lionberger Building (102-106 W. Main St.) is “The Whitehouse Ferry” by Merle Hilscher.
Cross the street to the now closed McKim & Huffman Pharmacy, est. 1868 ( Now Ollie Cat Restaurant) (219 W. Main St.) and which was one of the oldest businesses in the town. Inside is an untitled mural by Judy Riggs.
Leave the building and turn right, east on W. Main St., proceed down the hill.
At S. Hawksbill St. turn right and then left into Ruffner Plaza. Turn north on the Greenway, to the Main St. overpass bridge. To your left you will see “Four Seasons in the Countryside” by Jennifer Brandt and behind the stage you will see “Picnic Times at the Ruffner Plaza” by Merle Hilscher.
Continue on Phase I of the Greenway, under the bridge, pass the parking lot, and you will see the building that houses Darkwood Manor in October and has the mural “Nature’s Tribute to 911” by Janet Scott. A few steps farther and there is the mural of Willow Grove Mill by Jennifer Brandt.
At this point you can continue to part III B, or return to your starting point by retracing your steps or turning left onto Mechanic Street, left at the next corner, N. Hawksbill St., then follow N. Hawksbill to W. Main St.
B) Cross Mechanic St. and continue north on the Greenway. After you have crossed the wooden bridge you will see the first ‘cistern’ with a deer painted on it. The next ‘cistern’ was painted by Girl Scout Troop 40612.
Under the Highway 211 bridge is “Hawksbill Critters Root for the Bulldogs” by Luray High School art class.
Additional Section B Option:
You can continue on the Hawksbill Greenway and there are 3 more painted ‘cisterns’: “We Can Help”, “Anime”, and “Bees & Butterflies”. This will add about a mile to your walk.
We Hope You Enjoy the Art Trail
Enjoy some photos of our downtown Luray murals.
Page Valley Arts Council
In the Arts & Artisans Gallery
4 East Main Street
Luray VA 22835
Open 7 days a week 12-5 pm, or by chance, or for an appointment or call 540-578-4756.